Baby and Toddler Reflex
For thousands of years Reflexology has been
recognised as a valuable and natural complementary
Babies love being touched and cuddled. Gentle,
loving touch helps them to feel safe, secure and part
of the family. Most babies enjoy their feet being stroked
and will soon learn when to offer their feet for this enjoyable
bonding treatment. Parents giving baby reflex to their baby’s
feet may strengthen the natural loving bond between mother and baby and father and baby.
It has been found that parents may easily calm their babies with this fuss free, convenient and soothing treatment.
Baby Reflex is a gentle form of Reflexology created especially for babies, infants and toddlers from one month to three years (and on!). It requires no creams, lotions or oils and there is no need to undress the baby before the treatment.
Baby Reflex gives parents the opportunity to learn special and gentle techniques from a Reflexologist qualified in Baby Reflex. This soothing form of finger-tip and thumb pressure has been specially created for parents to give to their babies on the parents can adjust the treatment to suit their own child’s needs.
Baby Reflex 4 aims to:
Encourage and develop the bonding between Parent and Baby
Be relaxing for Parent and Baby
Helps constipation
Improve sleep
Helps Colic.
Help Reflux
Helps Teething
Support the developing body by improving well-being
Baby Reflex 4 Toddlers is a development of baby reflex, which, after much research and development, materialised in 2010. Instigated by Jenny Lee, at the requests of baby reflex practitioners and parents, Baby Reflex 4 Toddlers has been developed by Penny Odhams. Babies become Toddlers when they find their feet and explore the world. With this in mind, working on a Toddler’s hands is natural and effective. Penny Odhams has developed a routine, accompanied by nursery rhymes and lullabies. This routine takes a few minutes to apply, is very appealing to toddlers and parents alike and is great fun!
Reflex 4 Toddlers aims to:
Encourage and develop the bonding between Parent and Toddler
Be relaxing
Be calming, especially for those toddler tantrums!
Improve sleep, great before bed!
Support the developing body by improving well-being
As a qualified Baby and Toddler Reflex practitioner I can teach parents how to give the fuss-free, five minute treatment of Baby Reflex, which aims to aid sleep and improve well-being.
Baby Reflex was developed by our founder Jenny Lee, a Chartered Physiotherapist and qualified Reflexologist.
Jenny carried out several pilot research studies in conjunction with Oxford Brooks University, to track the effects Reflexology had on children suffering with Asthma. She did this with the approval and support of the children’s GP’s and schools. Following 15 years’ of extensive research in to the effects of regular Reflexology on Childhood Asthma, the main findings recorded were; reduced asthma, relaxation, improved sleep and child/parent bonding.
Jenny’s reputation for working with children using Reflexology steadily built and after many requests from parents wanting to learn how to use these techniques on their own children, Jenny established Baby Reflex in 2005.
Jenny created a course that would enable qualified Reflexologists to carry out this treatment. Jenny fundamentally understood the importance of touch on infants and designed safe, easy and accessible techniques for all.
Jenny’s passion and love for Baby Reflex has never wavered and even in retirement she still encourages Reflexologists to be part of the Baby Reflex community, for Jenny it’s simple, the more parents, babies and toddlers that have access to these techniques the better.
As a Baby Reflex practitioner I am proud to be making a difference to little people everywhere!